Fewer Toys, Happier Families

Fewer Toys, Happier Families

Do you feel like toys taking over your house? If you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of toys in your home, there’s a good chance your kids aren’t reaping the benefit of all those toys either. We tend to think the more toys kids have, the more things there are for them to do and the more entertained they will be, but what amount of toys is enough? The answer may surprise you…

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5 Day Declutter Challenge...for Kids!

5 Day Declutter Challenge...for Kids!

Christmas is around the corner. Do you feel like you’re already drowning in toys? Are you unsure where all the incoming gadgets and gizmos are going to go? November is a great time tackle clutter and get organized before Santa comes to town.

In the same way a messy cluttered home causes you stress, cluttered kid’s spaces can cause your kids to feel irritable, frustrated, and overwhelmed. Your kids can actually develop a lack of interest in playing with all those toys you’re tripping over. As we approach the holidays, we promote being thankful for what we have and thinking of others. Children are generous by nature. Encourage your kids to donate items that they no longer need to children who are less fortunate.

My kids (ages 3 and 8) have helped me put together this declutter challenge… just for kids!

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