Gift Ideas that Won’t Become Clutter

Gift Ideas that Won’t Become Clutter

Buying gifts can be downright stressful. It often feels like just another chore to check off the list rather than an act of generosity. The trend of minimalism adds a whole new level of anxiety to holiday gift-giving. With so many people decluttering and more carefully considering the items being brought into their homes, the pressure is on when it comes to choosing the perfect gift—a gift that is thoughtful, useful, and appreciated, while not contributing to household clutter. 

I’ve compiled a list of gift ideas for everyone on your list... gifts that are guaranteed to keep the clutter away.

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Fewer Toys, Happier Families

Fewer Toys, Happier Families

Do you feel like toys taking over your house? If you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of toys in your home, there’s a good chance your kids aren’t reaping the benefit of all those toys either. We tend to think the more toys kids have, the more things there are for them to do and the more entertained they will be, but what amount of toys is enough? The answer may surprise you…

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5 Simple Chores To Do Every Day...

5 Simple Chores To Do Every Day...

Staying on top of housework can seem daunting. There is always so much to do, and when you only have a few minutes to devote to chores each day, it’s hard to know where to begin. I’ve put together a short list of things you can do every day to help you keep your mess to a minimum and feel like you have your life together.

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How to Simplify Your Wardrobe

How to Simplify Your Wardrobe

The seasons are changing and soon you’ll be swapping out sweaters for tees. It’s a great time to simplify your wardrobe. You may have heard the term ‘capsule wardrobe’ by now. There are countless Pinterest pins and blog posts on the topic, but all that information can be overwhelming. I’m here to tell you all about capsule wardrobes and the benefits of having one. You don’t have to get rid of all your clothes, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money—you probably have the perfect capsule wardrobe hiding in your closet—I’ll show you how to find it.

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5 Simple Changes for Going Low-Waste

5 Simple Changes for Going Low-Waste

There are numerous single-use plastic products that we use and throw out without giving it much thought. These plastics will take about 450 years to decompose, making it one of the biggest offenders when it comes to pollution. “But, I recycle,” you say? While that’s excellent—and by all means, please keep recycling as much as possible—most plastics can only be recycled a handful of times before the fibers are too depleted to turn them into something new. Here are simple changes you can make to combat the negative impact we’re having on our planet and start living more sustainably.

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A Guide to Eco-friendly Organizing

A Guide to Eco-friendly Organizing

So you’re ready to get organized. You set out to buy some super functional organizing supplies… but wait… they’re all plastic!? Disappointment sets in. Maybe you start to feel a little guilty about the impact you’re having on the environment. There’s a way to get organized WHILE being eco-friendly! Now don’t get me wrong, there are certainly times when it’s hard to beat the functionality of plastic storage bins—areas that experience excessive moisture, or when critters are a concern—but there are tons of opportunities to skip the plastic for more sustainable options! Here are plastic-free alternatives for getting your home organized.

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7 Steps to Becoming a Minimalist

7 Steps to Becoming a Minimalist

Minimalism helps create balance and contentment in our lives. It’s recognizing the things that mean the most to you—spending more time with family, enjoying a hobby, traveling more, excelling in your career—then, making decisions with the intent to create time for each of your priorities. Here are my 7 Steps to Becoming a Minimalist. I hope this inspires you to make the simple changes to achieve more calm, purpose, and happiness in your life.

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Minimalism: Misconceptions vs. Reality

Minimalism: Misconceptions vs. Reality

Minimalism is ‘in’ these days, but what does it really mean to be a minimalist? There’s an abundance of information out there and you may have some preconceived notions about what it means to proclaim yourself a minimalist. I’m breaking down some common misconceptions. So if you’re a skeptic or you just don’t get what minimalism is all about, hang around—I think I can set the record straight...

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How to Create a Minimalist Bedroom

How to Create a Minimalist Bedroom

Bedrooms are a great place to start going minimal. If you think about it, there’s not much a bedroom really needs—a bed, maybe some clothing storage, a place to set your book and a glass of water, that’s about it. If your bedroom isn’t cozy and inviting, if it isn’t your place of refuge and relaxation, it’s time for a change. A minimalist bedroom is simple to achieve and easy to maintain. You’ll have less to clean and fewer surfaces to accumulate clutter. Take out the unnecessary items that are costing you time and energy, and turn your bedroom into a relaxing retreat.

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