How to Organize Jewelry

How to Organize Jewelry

Have you ever struggled to find two matching earrings? Have you ever decided against wearing a necklace because it was tangled with another, and you didn’t have the time to unknot the pieces? A little jewelry can turn into a big mess, and most of us have more than just a little…

We accumulate quite a bit of jewelry over the course of our lives. Think of all the Valentine’s Day and anniversary pieces you’ve received, all the items you’re still hanging onto from when you were a teen, and the jewelry that’s been passed down from previous generations. Because more often than not jewelry has a sentimental tie, it can be difficult to let go. Even the pieces that you have no intention of wearing take up storage space and make it a challenge to keep the items you do regularly wear organized.

By organizing your jewelry, you’ll be able to see each piece you own, and you’ll be more likely to actually wear it.

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